This Writer Gal

Kakul Ehsan Butt

About Me

Hi there!  Welcome to my site. My name is Kakul Ehsan Butt, or you can simply call me by my nickname, Dani.

I have been this writer gal since 2011 (well, I have always been this writer gal since childhood, but never mind). I am passionate about travelling, writing short stories, books reviews, and anything TED related.

My travel diaries are my personal experiences that I hope would inspire others to travel. With our world gradually becoming a small global village, thanks to the internet and awesome social media platforms, it is so much easier now to have access to other peoples’ holiday experiences. It gives us the heads up on what to expect and to make the most of our trip. I personally enjoy reading travel blogs, especially the blogs of my friends who enjoy travelling as much as I do.

Sometimes a spontaneous holiday booked at the very last minute can be fun too. My trip to Buenos Aires was a very last minute decision and two days later I was off flying.

Moving on….


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My own experience volunteering at TEDx events in London hope to provide encouragement to those who wish to be a part of the amazing world of TED/TEDx. If you are considering joining a TEDx community, be prepared to meet a bus load of inspiring individuals who work tirelessly to pull off such amazing events and wondering how is it possible for volunteers from different professional backgrounds to come together and work harmoniously towards a singular goal. And then there are the speakers whose words will give you goosebumps. I will always be grateful for being part of that world and I know you will too.

And as for book reviews…I am a huge book worm. I am still navigating how to write reviews. Some reviews contain spoilers, whereas others are just teasers. And then in between, my personal opinions creep in. I guess, this is work in progress. One day, I will learn how to write enjoyable book reviews.

Anyway, ciao for now! 😊

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